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| | Health Literacy and Patient-Reported Outcomes: A Cross-Sectional Study of Underserved English- and Spanish-Speaking Patients with Type 2 Diabetes | Hahn, E.A., Burns, J.L., Jacobs, E.A., Ganschow, P.S., Garcia, S.F., Rutsohn, J.P., & Baker, D.W. | Journal of Health Communication, 20(Supp2), 4-15. 2015 | | Computer-based measurement of health literacy, functional literacy, cognitive abilities and patient-reported outcomes among English-speaking adults with functional limitations due to spinal cord injury, stroke or traumatic brain injury. | Hahn, E.A., | Quality of Life Research (2015) 24:Supp.1 pg 7 (Abstract) | | English-Spanish Equivalence of the Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT) | Hahn EA, Kallen MA, Jacobs EA, Ganschow PS, Garcia SF, Burns JL. | Journal of Health Communication 2014; 19(Supplement 2): 285-301.
| | The association between health literacy and indicators of cognitive impairment in a diverse sample of primary care patients. | Yost KJ, DeWalt DA, Lindquist LA, Hahn EA.. | Patient Education and Counseling 93(2):319-326, 2013.
| | English-Spanish language equivalence on a new health literacy measure: implementation of novel psychometric methods | Kallen M, Cook K, Hahn E. | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics: 12, 2013. | | Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT): A New Item Response Theory-based Measure of Health Literacy | Hahn EA, Choi SW, Griffith JW, Yost KJ, Baker DW | Journal of Health Communication 16:sup3, 150-162, 2011. PMCID: PMC3269120. | | Health Literacy Assessment Using Talking Touchscreen Technology (Health LiTT) is a valid measure of health literacy | Yost K, Choi S, Waite K, Lakhan M, Wolf M, Hahn E. | 3rd Health Literacy Annual Research Conference (Presentation), October 17-19 2011. | | Acceptability of the Talking Touchscreen for Health Literacy Assessment | Yost, KJ, Webster K, Baker DB, Jacobs EA, Anderson A, Hahn EA | Journal of Health Communication 15:80-92, 2010. PMCID: PMC3269098. | | Refining and Standardizing Health Literacy Assessment: English and Spanish Item Banks | Hahn E. | In: Measures of Health Literacy: Workshop Summary (pp. 35-40); IOM (Institute of Medicine); Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009. | | Bilingual health literacy assessment using the Talking Touchscreen/la Pantalla Parlanchina: Development and pilot testing | Yost KJ, Webster K, Baker DW, Choi SW, Bode RK, Hahn EA. | Patient Education and Counseling 75:295–301, 2009. PMCID: PMC2692378. |
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